Prove to The Universe You Want It

by Bamboo Forest

How bad do you want it? Actually, don’t answer that question. The answer to that question is meaningless. I’ll tell you why later.

All of us have dreams. Whether it’s to reach a desired weight, own a home, have self-mastery over ourselves or something else. Every person alive has something they deeply want.

The reason I don’t want you to say how much you want it is because the Cosmos doesn’t care. Lip service doesn’t do you a whole lot of good. You can scream your dream from the roof top, and it won’t matter much.

The real question is–what are you doing? Are your thoughts and emotions on how much you want your dream fulfilled being expressed physically? That’s the question you must ponder.

Some say there’s no guarantees in life. That’s a lie. There’s actually one guarantee in life. And that’s: if you give it all you got (really give it all you got) pushing your mind, body and spirit in the direction of your dreams, you’ll never know regret.

Anything you let stop yourself from reaching your dream, whether it’s not acting out of embarrassment, not believing in yourself, or not persevering, can lead to falling short of your dream. You must get out of your comfort zone and rise to the challenge if you want your dream fulfilled.

Rising to the challenge means tapping deeply enough into your inner resources (that are always there) and bringing them to the world, to transcend your challenge. The challenge came so that you would do what you must. The level of satisfaction attained for making the necessary effort is incomprehensible. That alone should drive you.

You’ll never look back, wishing you exerted less effort. But you might look back wishing you tried harder. The time to try is now.

Life is very short. Let absolutely nothing stand in your way. Take time to question what you’re allowing to block your dream. Then ask yourself why you’re doing it and whether it’s really worth it or not. You’re not going to live forever. What’s the worst that could happen by doing what must be done? And what will it cost you if you don’t? Are you willing to pay that price?

Trying our hardest is the only guaranteed opportunity we’re given in life. Let’s take what we’re given.

We can try with all our mind, body and spirit if we want. We can maintain commitment to our goal if we want. We can change our approach when wise, if we want. Most significantly: We can succeed or die trying if we want.

Effort exists in the now. You won’t find it anywhere else. So you can begin from where you stand.

I can’t say whether you’ll succeed or not. But I can say, with certainty, that you can try your hardest, right now, if you want.

Bamboo Forest is a professional Email Life Coach and the founder of Tick Tock Timer.

Photo Credit: Chi King

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How to Live a Wise Life — Tick Tock Timer
July 20, 2010 at 3:14 pm

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puregoldlady April 7, 2010 at 3:00 am

I found this site from Pun Intended after landing on Pun Intended from another blog I read when I was re-reading an inspirational post that referenced a post from PI.

Good stuff. The timing of this is perfect for me.


Bamboo Forest April 7, 2010 at 3:31 am

@ puregoldlady: Pun Intended is my other site, co-authored by me and my brother.

Glad you found this post beneficial.


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