What a Car Ride and Breaking Bad Habits Have in Common

April 16, 2011

Would you sit in a car seat for 30 minutes while parked in the garage just for kicks? I doubt it. You’d go nuts. If, however, you were sitting in a car seat while traveling to your favorite restaurant to meet some close friends, you’d happily stay seated for 30 minutes without a hitch. After […]

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What Reincarnation Can Teach You About Life

April 8, 2011

I have no idea whether reincarnation exists or not. Regardless, there is much we can learn from this concept. If it does exist, would you ever judge someone based on how they lived in a past life? I doubt it. In fact, you’d probably agree that the notion of judging someone based on a past […]

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The Simple Secret to Being Happy

April 4, 2011

If I were to tell you to completely change your attitude and to begin thinking in new ways immediately, that would be a very challenging task. If, however, I told you to go out for an hour walk at dusk amongst the trees and the cool wind, you could do it easily. Thoughts are much […]

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How to Unlock Your Inner Treasure

April 3, 2011

If you’re constantly oblivious to the truth, then what good is it? If you don’t know what you’re capable of, then how would you pursue anything of greatness? Successful people are constantly aware of their aptitude. They know they’re capable of great things and that’s why they pursue accomplishing great things with vengeance. Some examples: […]

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Every Choice You Make Today is Also a Choice For Tomorrow

March 28, 2011

“The things you do today affect not only today. They build you and prepare you and position you for all the days that will come.” ~Ralph Marston Everything you think, say, and do influences what your future will be. mens health. What your future will be also influences the future of others. Knowing this truth […]

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What Yoga Can Teach You About Living an Optimal Life

March 23, 2011

There’s a lot that holding a yoga posture can teach you about how to live. You’re taught that when holding a posture, you should release any muscles not being used, such as around the eyes, forehead and throat. Holding tension in these areas not only brings fatigue more quickly, but obstructs your flow of internal […]

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Use The Force: A Little Guide to Transform Your Life

March 18, 2011

Illustration by Bruce White “Use the force” is what many Star War’s heroes have said. But what exactly is the force? The force is what’s created after we’ve repeated a behavior enough times. For example, if you go to bed early and wake up early enough consecutive times, this behavior will then come naturally to […]

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The Simplest Way to Increase Self-Discipline + Major Announcement

March 16, 2011

I haven’t been blogging as consistently as I want to, which is why I’m making a public declaration to all who read this: I’ll be publishing two posts a week for the next eight weeks. While I’m using a public declaration to get myself to post more frequently, you can use this strategy for various […]

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Wasting This Precious Resource Can Cost You Your Dreams

February 18, 2011

Imagine you’re in the middle of a jungle, 20 miles from civilization. You must find your way back to civilization before running out of your two day supply of water. Could you imagine if every couple moments you took out your canteen and poured some water onto the ground? Doing the above would be absolutely […]

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Do You Love Yourself?

February 2, 2011

There are many things we’d never do to others, but are more than willing to do to ourselves. If your roommates had a big day tomorrow, would you blast your music knowing it would keep them up? If your friend was trying to lose weight, would you put a big platter of donuts in front […]

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