How to Live a Wise Life

by Bamboo Forest

Are there things you have a deep understanding of now, that had you understood years ago, would have saved you from lots of heartache?

If you’re like me the answer is yes. The good news is there’s a way to minimize this phenomenon.

“He who learns from other people’s mistakes is wise. He who learns from his own is a fool” ~Otto von Bismark, paraphrased

One of the easiest and most effective ways to learn from the mistakes of others is to read quality personal-development books. Not only does the author share what he or she has learned from their own life experiences, but they also share what they’ve learned from the countless people they’ve studied.

You’ll learn how to make better choices and how to use your mind more effectively.

While it’s true you could learn many lessons yourself, by reading books, you learn them the easy way instead of the hard way.

By reading daily and from various authors not only do you absorb tremendous wisdom, but you never know when you’ll receive that one nugget of wisdom that is presented in just the right way that it changes your whole perspective on life.

Reading daily, your mind is constantly reminded of the person you truly want to be.

In addition to reading books, you can find people who’ve attained what you seek and then ask them how they did it. Ask them what kind of beliefs they had that created the results they achieved. And what actions they took.

Living a truly wise life is only a book or person away.

Bamboo Forest is a professional Email Life Coach and the founder of Tick Tock Timer.

Photo by Lin Pernille Photography

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