Can You do Something Incredible in Just an Hour?

by Bamboo Forest

Photo by tibchris’

“Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.”~Anonymous

Are you so ridiculously busy that you can’t find time to do amazing things?

If you answered yes to the above, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Great things can happen in tiny durations of time. And this is what makes time so amazing; it’s merciful. It doesn’t necessarily demand that you slave away for years to create something absolutely riveting. It only demands that you focus yourself when you do use it.

I’ll give you an example that you creators will resonate with.

My brother, Flying LlamaFish, spent a couple minutes (if that) writing a post which went violently viral on stumbleupon! Try 80,000 views. Not only did he write it in just minutes, he was also enjoying fun dip while doing it. That’s insane, yo.

To contrast that… I’ve spent hours writing a piece that gained very little traction.

How about your love life? Can your love life for the rest of your existence be transformed in mere seconds?


If you see a dashing guy or girl that inspires you and you decide to courageously approach, which leads to friendship and then something greater–you’ve profoundly changed your life as a result of one decision and one conversation that took moments.

Time is on your side, damnit! It’s how you use it that counts.

This weekend I spent a few hours writing a post for Darren Rowse because I really want to get Tick Tock Timer out there to the masses. If he accepts it (You better, Darren!) and that gets the dominos to start falling until this site becomes ridiculously popular, I think we can all agree those hours of time invested were a tiny sacrifice for the potential reward.

True… we don’t have every waking hour free to spend as we please (everyone takes dumps). But, those free moments do come no matter how busy we are and if used with focus, they can literally change the course of the rest of our lives.

Got a free hour? How about a free couple minutes? What will you do with them?

Bamboo Forest is a professional Email Life Coach and the founder of Tick Tock Timer.

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This Day Is It — Tick Tock Timer
October 28, 2010 at 5:56 pm

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Ciawy March 8, 2010 at 5:27 pm

Whenever I have free moment or 2, I always find myself reading. Now that I’ve created a blog, I’m either reading or trying to extract creative juices out of my brain to come up with an interesting post.


Bamboo Forest March 8, 2010 at 6:38 pm

@ Ciawy: First off, thank you for commenting 🙂

Reading when you have free moments is an outstanding way to use those moments.

Extracting creative juices is also a very good way to use time. No grass is growing under your feet, that’s for sure.


@takuya_hikichi March 9, 2010 at 7:18 pm

What ideas do you look for when you try to land a guest blogging opportunity on someone else’s blog? I know you talked about Darren’s, but what did you write so that it would his attention?


Bamboo Forest March 9, 2010 at 7:45 pm

@Takuya: Whenever I come up with a really good idea on how to help other bloggers be more successful, I write about it and then submit it to a blog on blogging.

I actually haven’t submitted the post to him yet. But here’s what I recommend you do when trying to land a guest post:

1. Write the post before anything else.

2. Send an email to the blog you’re submitting to with the post attached as html and also included in the body of the email itself. This way the blog you’re submitting to gets to read it. If your post, in their mind, is good enough… it will get accepted.

If it doesn’t get accepted, then submit it to another blog! That’s what I do 🙂

Thanks for stopping by.


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