Anything is Possible If…

by Bamboo Forest

Photo by kevinpoh

Anything is possible if you fulfill one criterion: action.

Is it possible that if you hike into the woods you’ll meet the love of your life?

Yes… if you enter the forest. However, I don’t recommend this strategy for finding your lover because the likelihood’s low. But possible? Definitely.

Look at this site TickTockTimer. Now… Is it possible that this site will become a huge phenomenon and make copious amounts of money?


But that’s only because the idea sailed through my head and I took action. Had I not taken action the possibility that I yearn for would be impossible.

There’s a wonderful truth to all of this: Almost anything in this world is possible if action is taken.

If Rosa Parks decided to be “obedient,” giving her seat up for a white person, would it have been possible for her to have sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

No. Without action there is nothing possible. But with it, everything is.

I could say more, making this post longer. But I won’t. I respect your time.

Now, what kinds of actions will you be taking?

Bamboo Forest is a professional Email Life Coach and the founder of Tick Tock Timer.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Annabel Candy, Get In the Hot Spot March 18, 2010 at 11:42 pm

In action right now. Watching the seconds fly by in another window with your times is an excellent reminder to keep at it. Not stopping until the bell rings and no need to bring my alarm clock out to the computer any more:)



Bamboo Forest March 19, 2010 at 1:14 am

@ Annabel Candy: Thank you for visiting 🙂 So glad you find this timer useful. Hope it continues to give you a boost whenever you need it.


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